Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lunch break update! (Keith)

I know, I know...Tom and I have gotten in the habit of updating this blog on Fridays but, y'know, that doesn't mean we can't also add content on other days. So while I've got a few extra minutes on my lunch break...surprise!

(Also, I've got a little writer's block at the moment that I need to work through so this is me being productive in another way.)

I posted a little script excerpt on my social media the other day so I thought I'd share that again here. Here you go, out of context and slightly revised, with some of my thoughts afterwards...

This is the first time we're meeting a bunch of these characters to let's have a little roll call, shall we?

(continued next page)

THE MOSS, INTERSTELLAR, DR, HATE, and ELECTRICIA are here although our girl should be keeping pretty much to herself in a corner somewhere. She's looking pretty cranky; maybe needs her coffee.

We've also got some new characters milling about, most of whom still need to be designed. Why don't you group them as you see fit and I'll dialogue when I see how you've laid them out and have them interacting. Surprise me. Make me laugh.

NAGENGAST: The ghost of a German spy, female, armed with two ethereal knives.

OMERTA: A young Mexican woman, dressed in a black tank top and combat pants. Both of her arms from the elbows down have been replaced by matching shotguns. (I'll give you photo reference for this character, she's my cousin Maddy minus the shotguns).

GREASE TRAP: a human-size blob of grease that walks like a man. (Just be glad I chickened out of creating a character called Smegma.)

NASTY CAT: Think Catwoman after being stuck in a sewer for a year. Bonus points if you somehow have her harassing Dr. Hate.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: the current President of Russia.

WALKING FRED: Zombie crime boss in a tailored suit.

KOMODO: About a foot taller than Moss, a Godzilla-like creature based off of a Komodo dragon.

CROM: A mythological barbarian God. Barrel-chested, hairy, a broadsword as tall as he is.

SNOW: An Asian man dressed in simple white clothing. I'm not going to tell you his power right now, I'll spring it on you shortly.

So here's a little trivia. I draw little rough versions of every page in order to block the scene and keep track of where everything is while I'm writing. I don't really show these layouts to anyone, they're just part of my process. I'm making a conscious effort with The Switch to lighten up a bit and not micromanage every interaction between the different characters. Tom and I have worked together quite a bit, I trust his judgment and want to give him the freedom to 'act' the characters as he sees fit. 

As for the characters themselves, I'm mainly having fun, trying to create a diverse group of miscreants, and make myself laugh a bit along the way. Common sense 101: it's important to enjoy what you're writing; it's taken me years to learn that if I'm not having fun, readers probably aren't going to, either.

Here's another little excerpt, again presented out of context, just for this blog because we love you guys the best:

The second figure finishes materializing next to Lover Boy, who has a shit-eating grin plastered on his oily mug.

The second figure is @SOCIALWARRIOR: square jaw, ridiculously handsome, incredibly muscular. He's wearing light body armor, almost like a tight version of a NASCAR suit, and has a TWITTER LOGO on his chest where, say, Superman would have his 'S' insignia.

1- @SOCIALWARRIOR: Hey, everyone. Glad to be here.
2- BOY: This is THOMAS TRUMAN. Many of you know him as @SOCIAL WARRIOR. Some of you have even gone to JAIL because of him.
3- LOVER BOY: Today, he's OFFICIALLY switching SIDES.


Close on @socialwarrior. Smiling. Teeth white as pearls.

4- @SOCIALWARRIOR: I look forward to speaking with you all individually, making AMENDS where needed. But this is for REAL, people. I'm one of YOU now.
5- @SOCIALWARRIOR: To start, I'll be re-branding myself @ANTI-SOCIALWARRIOR and tagging #crimepays on my social media.
6- @SOCIALWARRIOR: I project forty-two MILLION of my followers will come along. My new persona should go VIRAL in an hour.

@socialwarrior is pretty much my favorite character in the book right now. I kinda wish the whole thing was about him. 

And finally, we had our very first Electricia cosplay! Super flattering that someone took the time to test out this look. Here is Tom's friend and cosplaying legend Kristina Rose in her first attempt to Switch it up! She looks great, right?!

It's still my week so I might post something else on Friday. See you soon!

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